Grange Park


Grange Park Methodist Church

Corner of Park Drive/Old Park Ridings, London N21 2EU

The Church In The Orchard” is a beautiful Art Deco church set in Grange Park.  It has a real community feeling and the minister and congregation are always very welcoming and happy to see new faces. With regular concerts as well as weekly services, “The Church In The Orchard” is very popular amongst the community.

Disabled parking, access & toilet available.


Morning Service:         11.00am every Sunday

  • 2nd Sunday of each month ‘Words & Worship’ contemporary service at 6.30pm.
  • Soup & Conversation in the church every Wednesday 12 noon–2pm all welcome.


Minister:          Revd Paul Weary

020 8363 5671 or 020 8367 1338 (Circuit Office)

Church halls

We have 3 church halls available for hire. Please contact us via our website.  There is a children’s nursery on site Monday – Friday during term time.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to our church.