

Trinity Church, Enfield

Church Street, Enfield EN2 6AN

Trinity Church, Enfield is a Methodist and URC Local Ecumenical Partnership and was formed in 1983 by the union of Enfield Methodist Church and St Paul’s United Reformed Church.  We are a welcoming congregation of all ages and from many different backgrounds.

Trinity Church is involved in the life of the community through the Enfield Town LEP and by hosting many organisations who use the premises.

We also support projects at home and overseas – such as the Whitechapel Mission in the East End of London and the Kisumu Children Trust Kenya.

We have a thriving Junior Church and embrace a wide richness of worship styles.


Morning Service:         Sunday 10.30am

Evening Service:          Sunday 6.30pm;  1st Thursdays of each Month: “Re:fresh”, a midweek, band led worship time at 7.30pm.


Minister:                       Revd Paul Weary

                                        020 8367 1338


Regular Activities:

Room Hire: