Upcoming Events


Bible for Beginners 

Do you feel that you don’t know much about the Bible? Would you like to find out more about what it is about?

Join us on zoom on Monday 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th June at 10:30am (sessions will last approximately an hour and a half)

Looking at topics such as What is the Bible anyway? Why do we need an “old” Testament? Four Gospels? Why? and What do these letters say to us?

For more information and to register contact Revd. Dan Haylett on revdanhaylett@hotmail.com or Helen Lunn on helen.lunn76@gmail.com


Membership Classes

Do you want to know more about becoming a Church Member?

Join us on zoom to find out more about what it means to be a member of the Methodist Church on Thursday 10th, 17th and 24th June at 7:30pm (sessions will last approximately an hour and a half).

To find out more or register your interest contact Revd. Dan Haylett on revdanhaylett@hotmail.com or Helen Lunn on helen.lunn76@gmail.com




Enfield Methodist Circuit on-line worship

The Enfield Methodist Circuit on-line worship led by one of our Ministers, will be available each Sunday morning by using this link, please click here you will be taken directly to the page.

On-line Worship  Click here to go to the page

The Circuit Open Letter  Click here to download and view the letter

Postcard for Support Service  Click here to download and view the card

Act of worship (22 March 2020) Click here to download and view the sheet